Crestmont Farm and Crestmont Ranch operate as private businesses that create value by producing lumber for construction and high-quality feeder cattle for future consumption. Production is closely complemented by practices that demonstrate responsible stewardship for the underlying natural resources. Crestmont believes that the dual objectives of production and habitat biodiversity complement each other and lead to better long-term production outcomes while also fostering enhanced ecological conditions.
Crestmont Farm and Crestmont Ranch properties are located west of Corvallis, Oregon and north of Philomath in the heart of the Willamette Valley. Much of the Crestmont property has a long-term history dating back more than a century as the Anderson dairy.
Some of the property was sold to Weyerhaeuser in the 1990s and managed as commercial timberland through the early 2000s. Crestmont purchased portions of its property over time starting in the mid-2000s with the objectives of sustainably producing timber, while maintaining and promoting ecological integrity in the forest. In 2011, Crestmont added cattle grazing with the dual objectives of production and habitat management in the pastures and grazed woodlands.
Over almost two decades, Crestmont has developed creative protocols for managing its property, depending upon the goals and objectives of each individual area.

Crestmont Farm owns and manages two types of forests. Almost half of the forested property consists of mature, mixed-species, naturally seeded forests… read more